Core Values


You are loved with a love you did not earn so therefore can never lose. We accept you wherever you are on your faith journey and believe God will lead you in God’s timing, not ours.

Love Others

Serve the World

St. Michael’s Basic Principles

We believe we are called to be…

Actively open to God:

We are open to all opportunities as we discern where God is leading us and who God is calling us to be.

Outwardly focused:

We exist for those who are not yet a part of our community. We pursue fellowship and service opportunities to significantly connect with others.


We accept you wherever you are in your faith journey and trust God to take you where God wants you on God’s timetable.


People desire an evolving, fulfilling relationship with the living God. Christianity is a relationship, not religion.

Spiritual Renewal & Maturity:

We seek spiritual inspiration and renewal to keenly experience God’s presence and allow Him to heal, enrich and transform us from the inside out.


The Good News of Jesus Christ is relevant to your life. It’s not just what Jesus said, but how He lived. We seek to model Christ via the Holy Spirit and be formed in His likeness.


We focus on following God’s lead for us. We learn from others and adapt it to our unique situation.


Just because we’ve always done it that way is not, in and of itself, a sufficient reason for continuing to do it that way. Mission and progression come from imagination and innovation, not memory.